Sunday, July 27, 2008


Headmistress Wartbobble and I would like to say a HUGE thank you to all who donated items to be used as prizes or in angel kits. We got a tremendous selection of items...enough for at least 2 full angel kits with plenty of things left over for prizes. We honestly didn't know if this method of putting together angel kits and prizes would work, but it seems to have been a success. It has lifted the burden off any one person to put together more than one kit as well as lifted the financial burden off others to provide prizes. Everyone at Hogwarts is truly generous and I hope that in the future more students will participate. If everyone donated just 1 item we may be able to collect enough for end-of-term prizes for everyone!

Thanks for another great term at Hogwarts. Headmistress Wartbobble, your prefects, headgirls and I had very few issues to deal with. It was a fun term and I personally hope to see many returning students next term.


Penelope of Flitwick said...

Thank you for all your hard work!

CentyB said...

great news and thank you - hopefully we won't need two full angel kits :*)