Hello, all!
Time for a House Points Update before we head into the last stretch of the swap.
By now most of you should now that the early deadline for sending your package has been extended to July 14th.
The final send date is July 25th. If your package is not sent by that time you will not be allowed to join further HSKS swaps. I want to make that clear. If there is anyone that has not received their package by that date or heard from your partner as to whether or not they sent your package, please contact your prefect and arrangements will be made to have an angel package sent out to you as soon as possible.
Reminder: Delivery confirmation is your friend!! It is very important to get delivery confirmation if you plan on sending within the next two weeks. We need to make sure that you actually sent your packages to your partners.
Drop outs and Reassignments
At this time those that have been in jeopardy of being dropped for not posting in their blogs for over two weeks or not contacting their partners will be dropped from the swap and not allowed to return for future HSKS swaps. Partners will not be reassigned if packages have already been sent, but if your spoiler has been dropped or MIA for over two weeks at this point, please contact your prefect and we will work on either making contact with your missing partner or we will get an angel package ready for you.
House Points
These percentages reflect the level of participation since the last Quidditch match. Ten points per person have been deducted for each week that they did not post.
Previous PointsGryffindor 75%
Hufflepuff 99%
Ravenclaw 79%
Slytherin 82%
Current Points1st place - Hufflepuff - 98%
2nd place - Slytherin - 81%
3rd place - Ravenclaw - 78%
4th place - Gryffindor - 73%
Quidditch Round ThreeQuidditch trivia will be posted on Wednesday, July 16th, between 7 and 8 a.m. PST. The Snitch will be released on Saturday, July 19th. Window for hours of release will be posted by Wednesday. The release will be prompted with a clue, which will be posted on this blog, during a 3-hour window of time on Saturday.